Friday 3 May 2019

5 Must Know Tips of Solving Cash Flow Problems

Cash. Flow. Well, sometimes there is no flow of cash at all! And its arguably one of the biggest problems start ups and big businesses alike face.

Turning an idea into reality is an entrepreneur's dream. A lot of time, energy, money and soul searching goes into starting a business.

But what is one to do when they find themselves in the epicenter of cash flow headwinds? Should they give up and be blown into oblivion?

Not if we can help it!

Here are five tried and tested ways of beating cash flow problems and remain afloat even in the most difficult times:

  • Rethink your business operations - Is the business structure working for you? Merging roles? Are all those positions necessary?
  • Improve efficiency with technology - are the softwares and applications you are using up to-date? or are they redundant? Are you utilizing the full potential of your technology? 
  • Your money is going somewhere, do you know where?How healthy is your balance sheet? Are you drowning in debts? Is your borrowing strategic? Savings?
  • Its time to borrow (again?) - Well, if you dont borrow, how will you give your business the necessary boost? Caution: prudent borrowing please. 
  • Reevaluate debtors and creditors - who has paid, who hasnt? Cash and carry? Longer credit periods? Can you get a better rate with someone else?
Remember, as a business person you must always reinvent yourself and your business to remain relevant and make money. There is no silver bullet for cash flow, if there was so many businesses would still be operational! A prudent application of these tips will see you keep your head above the water.

Happy swimming!

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