Wednesday 6 June 2012

When Passion Dies, So Does the Business: A Personal Testimony

Monday, April 23 2012. That was the last time I posted something here. Its over a month since then, and by any standards, even the laziest writer (and yours truly isn't one of them!) would still have managed to post at least twice after all that time. I didn't.

So I guess I owe you an apology - you, the reader that has been wondering what happened to the blog you loved, the blog you frequented, the blog whose posts kept you company, encouraged and knowledgeable. My apologies.

This morning, I received a wake-up call from a business consultant. In an email to me, she reminds me of a fact most entrepreneurs are well familiar with but very afraid of: that most start-ups don't make it beyond their infancy. And since blogging is a kind of entrepreneurship, it also follows that most of us don't make it either. There are many reasons for this, but this she pointed out: without passion, the business will not amount to anything worth writing about.

Since April 23, 2012, I must have written over 15, 000 words. Problem is, none of that was for my blog! But of course, like Paul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus, I've seen the light!

If you have something you want to share, and be read by the many visitors to the site, or if you want me to write on something that interests you, email me.

The hiatus is over, Business Tips Kenya is back!

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