Saturday, 25 June 2016

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Learn From Big Businesses

In his bestselling book How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins discusses five things that have led to the fall of several big businesses and how one can overcome them. We'll look at each one of them in our next blog post.

In a world where the survival and business models of some of the oldest and most successful businesses is threatened, is there anything that an entrepreneur can learn from them? We can learn from their failures, can't we?

Sunday, 19 June 2016

5 Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

Its about four years since I last published on this blog.

When I started this blog in 2011, I set out to provide a mini-resource center for entrepreneurs. Somewhere they could come to from time to time for inspiration, knowledge and ideas.

How to Sign Documents on the Electronic Signature Platform

By Kevin Peterson Signatures play an important role in the various types of business transactions. Most businesses in the world require...