Wednesday 13 June 2012

Your Business Name is Everything, Choose Wisely

Have you found it difficult to find an appropriate name for your business? If it is any consolation to you, well, you are not alone.

Most entrepreneurs will tell you that naming their business was as hard as finding capital to finance their business idea - maybe even harder.

A business name is the gateway to your business. Its a rather permanent calling card of your business. In branding your business, the name occupies a central position. Its like a pivot, you can never really do anything with out it.

The name you give to your business affects how your potential customers will perceive you and the business as well. The name has to be something enticing, unique, simple, friendly, and relevant to your niche. It must also be easy to pronounce and sound like a sweet song when read.

It is utter folly for any entrepreneur to come up with any name for their business. Supposing you want to start a business consulting firm, would you name it Kalulu Business Consultancy Firm? Hell no! If you were to however start a theater group and name it Kalulu Theater Group, that would do. Get the point?

When coming up with a name, you may want to ask your friends to suggest five names each. Assuming you request ten friends to do that, you'll have roughly fifty names to choose from! Well, if your friends, like me, are not that creative (just kidding!) and end up giving you names of businesses that already exist, you will still end up with a good amount of names to choose from.

Once you have been left with say twenty names to choose from, you can now shift the gear from quantity to quality. Deeply think and debate about each of the names and why or not it should be used. There is no doubt that you will be able to come up with a good name for your business through this process. If you don't, start all over again!

Well, what are you waiting for? Get on with it! Any suggestions?

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