Wednesday 20 June 2012

5 Things That Mark You Out As An Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur, or do you say you are? How are you supposed to tell whether you are for real or its just a passing phase in your life? What marks out entrepreneurs in the long run? Lets have a look.

  1. You do not like convention: Entrepreneurs are different from the rest of people populating our societies. They don't work well in the traditional structured societies, they don't like status quo, they are not given to blindly follow structure and they certainly don't suffer hierarchy gladly. Entrepreneurs want to be in control here and now. End of story.
  2. You don't mind stress and can work under pressure: Most of us don't cope well with stress. We can't work under pressure either. The one leads to the other and we break down and become hopeless - and useless. To entrepreneurs, pressure and stress don't bother them. 
  3. Seldom at home, always working: Entrepreneurs love their families, but they also love their businesses as much, maybe more. You are more likely to find them in their business premises thinking of what to do next than at home playing with the kids.
  4. No procrastination: Some of us do not have a problem with postponing work and carrying it over to the next day. Entrepreneurs on the other hand believe that if something needs to be done now, then now is the time for it to be done. They are not in the business of postponing their businesses. 
  5. Praise the business, not me: All of us want attention. Whether we know it or not, we act only in ways that will bring us praise at the end. Entrepreneurs also want some attention, but there major concern is the attention their businesses get. If no one says something sweet about their businesses, they feel they have not achieved what they set out to.
There you have it! Well, out of curiosity, what is your score out of five? Are you an entrepreneur or not? 

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